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mardi 10 juin 2014

Adding Description Meta tag is one of the good SEO practices. These tags are HTML attributes which tell the search engines about the content of the page and describes it. Description tags don't helps in ranking high within search result pages but helps in good clickthrough rates.

dimanche 8 juin 2014

Tutorial on how to add a basic drop down menu to the new blogger layout. Visit my blog for step by step instructions. All the codes are also included with the IE fix. Drop down menu using suckerfishnav menu. I have also included where and how to position your horizontal navigation bar and put it right under the menu.

Add Drop Menu
Navigation Drop Menu
Blogger Drop Menu
Drop Menu in Blogger
Blogger Frop Menu Navigation

Lot of people maintain their blogs on Blogger.com. They use different kind of templates like their mode of website. But all the templates are not have a menu bar in navigation section. This video tutorial guide you to insert a custom menu bar into blogger template.

This is a  quick tutorial on how to add navigation menu in blogger.

Tags :

Add Menu
Navigation Menu
Blogger Menu
Menu in Blogger
Blogger Menu Navigation

This is a quick Blogger tutorial on how to get 'Facebook Like Box' or 'Find us on Facebook box' for a Blogger blog to promote your blog's

Facebook is one of the best social media platforms out there on the internet. Leverage its traffic by getting more likes for your fan page with this tutorial.

Tags :

How to add Facebook like box in Blogger
Add Facebook Like box in Blogger Blog
Get Facebook Like box for blogger
Add Facebook Like box blogger
Facebook Like box blogspot
Facebook Like box widget
A Blogger user must be well aware of his template structure in order to proceed with effective template customizations. This would also help a great deal if a person plans to build his own Blogger template one day. I had to do some customizations to my current template so i had to make my mind refresh about the structure that i am using. So i thought i would make a post about it. :)

                      Our ordinary website template is used HTML language to design, but blogger template uses XML language to design. Structure of blogger template is same as structure of HTML file, which contains header ans body section which are enclosed into HTML under the XML tag.

This would definitely help you too. This post is aimed to summarize the key features of the Blogger template.

So lets get started.

Sample format of blogger code (XML Code)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Head section contains all the meta tag information, css and Blogger variable.
  • Meta Tag : Meta tag information used for search engine optimization purpose, which include all title, description, keyword, author etc. included.
  • CSS :  CSS is used for designing purpose, changing to font style, size, color will be handled in this section. All the CSS code must be written between 




Our blogger template is in XML format and css format is not in XML format, may be interrupt the parsing since css code enclosed into CDATA. When blogger template execute,


is converted into

 <style type="text/css">..</style>



converted into comments

  • Blogger variable : Blogger variable is used for creating interface between our template and Blogger Template Designer. See Details into How to make Custom Template into Blogger Designer Friendly Template.
Body Section contains an designing layout of blogmeans 1 column ,2 column, 3 column, right sidebar, left sidebar, ... . Below showing some blogger layout design.

Blogger template layout contains mainly four parts,
  • Header
  • Body
  • Sidebar (left or right or both)
  • Footer
Layout of blogger template is build using an section, widget. So first we learn what is section and widget in blogger.

Section is element which indicate part of layout like header, content, sidebar and footer and within section you can add multiple widget like blog archive, blog roll, or event third party HTML/JavaScript code. You can customize look and feel of section using CSS wrapped around it.
Syntax of section look like this

<b:section id='header' class='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no' growth='vertical'>
  1. id is required field, it is unique id provide to that section for identification, use alphanumeric for given id.
  2. class is optional field, may be given an common name like header, main, sidebar and footer. You can given different name as you want.
  3. maxwidgets is optional field, specify that how many maximum widget are inside that section.
  4. showaddelement is also optional field, which specify in layout management in blogger, there will be show an "Add a Gadget". yes or no value are specify for this attribute, yes is default value.
  5. growth is also optional field, which indicate that if gadget is add, then sequence of adding gadget is vertical or horizontal. vertical is default value.
Widgetas display in above pic, widget added into section, there may multiple widget inside on section. Extra code can not be added directly inside section, for that widget used, code added inside widget and widget added inside section. Syntax of widget as follow
<b:widget id="header" type='Header' locked="yes" > 
  1. id is unique and alphanumeric, Once assign id can't be changed, until delete or add new one.
  2. type is also required field, which one of the following,

  • BlogArchive
  • Blog
  • Feed
  • Header
  • HTML
  • SingleImage
  • LinkList
  • List
  • Logo
  • BlogProfile
  • Navbar
  • VideoBar
  • NewsBar

                          1. locked specify that, you can move widget using page element tab in blogger. If yes then can't move, that widget locked. If no then you can move this widget. Default value is no.
                          2. title is specify name of that widget.
                          3. pageType specify that on which type of page this widget is display. It can be all, archive, main or item. all is default value.
                          4. mobile is indicate this widget is display in mobile view or not.

                          Basic Code Structure on XML code

                          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
                          <!DOCTYPE html>
                          <html b:version='2' class='v2' expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xmlns:b='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/b' xmlns:data='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/data' xmlns:expr='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/expr'>
                            <meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>
                            <b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile'>
                              <meta content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0' name='viewport'/>
                              <meta content='width=1100' name='viewport'/>
                            <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
                          <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
                          <b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Weberience -Blogger design Tutorials  (Header)' type='Header'/>


                          Its in fact everything that you see on a webpage, (every content of a website is part of body). Its the mother section you may say. Every thing lays in it. The two tags are body tags which contain every thing that you can see on a website.

                          <body> and </body>

                          Its another block within body which contains every other object that you can control. The main objects within outer-wrapper block are Header, Content, Footer areas.

                          <div id='outer-wrapper'>

                           Notice how the 'Outer-Wrapper' appears after the <body> tag in your blog's HTML Editor, where all you blog's template code lays.


                          Header, as the name suggest is the section that contains all your blog's head content like header banner, adsense code maybe, description, navigation bar etc.

                          You can find this section in your template with the following code:

                          <div id='header-wrapper'>


                          This section of your blog is pretty important as it contains the main body section of your blog (not to confuse with <body> discussed before) that has all your text content like what you are reading now. The content section also has footer and sidebars.

                          <div id='content-wrapper'>

                          <div id='main-wrapper'>

                          <div id='rsidebar-wrapper'>
                           'rsidebar' has 'r' as to denote right sidebar. It can be anything like this. Notice i have a single sidebar on the right side so it appears likewise in my HTML editor. It can be simply ( <div id='sidebar-wrapper'>) too.


                          The footer area is the one which contains your credits like All rights reserved, copyright Bloggingehow etc.

                          Some Usefull Coding Tuts for blogger :

                          Lessons List 
                          1. How to create Blogger Accounts.
                          2. How to create blog on blogger.
                          3. How to install blogger templates.
                          4. How to create First Post on blogger.  
                          5. How To Manually Customize Blogger's Lightbox
                          6. How to create Post Template (Predefined Post Template code )
                          7. Hide/Show Widgets/Gadgets In Home/Post/Static/Archive Pages In Blogger 
                          8. How to Custom Add Meta Description Tags/keywords to Blogger
                          9. 10 Ways To Style and Create - Read More Links In Blogger
                          10. Add Disqus Comment System in your Blog
                          11. Add Easy to Setup Facebook Official Recommendations Bar In Blogger-Blogspot Facebook Plugin
                          12. How To Add Easily Google Analytical Code on Blogger based website/Blog
                          13. How To Make The Blogger Posts Have A Calendar For The Date In
                          14. How can I Reduce and fix problem of Blogger's feed size below FeedBurner's 512K limit?
                          15. How to Using Google Web Fonts API In Blogger
                          16. How to easy use Floating Social Sharing Header Bar Widget For Blogger
                          17. How to solve Problem Custom 404 Error Pages For Blogger Based Website
                          18. How to use Custom Permalinks for Blogger Posts
                          19. New Facebook Comment Box for Blogger With Notifications Enabled
                          20. Professional Footer Quote Author Box Widget 2.0 For Blogger
                          21. Stylish 5 Amazing Search Boxes For Blogger
                          22. How to create Responsive google adsense ads on your website 2013[Next Upcomming Tuts...]

                          So that's pretty much the basic of the Blogger's template layout structure. Hope that was easy to grasp. Share your views this template structure in the comment section below. :)